ⓘ Metal quotation: 07.03.2025

CU - 914,86 EUR/100kg
+1% Purchase cost surcharge


AL - 360,31 EUR/100kg

Information on the CPR – Construction Products Regulation (BauPVO)

Together with the VEG – the German Association of the Electrical Wholesale Trade (Verband des Elektro-Großhandels) – and the ZVEH – the Central Association of the German Electrical and Information Technology Trades (Zentralverband der Deutschen Elektro- und Informationstechnischen Handwerke) – the ZVEI (Central Association of the Electrical Engineering and Electronics Industry) has compiled information on cables and wiring under the European Construction Products Regulation.

The information goes into much detail regarding the obligations for the electrical trade and in particular deals with products in practical application.

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